Yes, you can love being a homemaker.

Despite sinks full of dishes, hampers piled with laundry, crumbs on the floor, and children wanting to eat again – You can enjoy your life as a mom without giving in to perfectionism or overwhelm.


Homemaker & homeschool mom for 20+ years

Hi! My husband and I are both second-generation homeschoolers who now have two homeschool graduates and three still at home being educated. When we got married at 19, I assumed homemaking would be easy – just cook, clean up, and have plenty of time left over to read.

Not so. Homemaking – and homeschooling and mothering – have been God’s path of humility and sanctification for me. Now, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Let me share not only what I know now, but also how to walk the path of sanctification at home.

Learn more about my story.

getting organized at home starts with your attitude.

Learn to love what must be done (with me)


brain dump guide to declutter your head

Messy house got you down?

For the mom who is discouraged that the chores are never done –

For the mom who has tried so many routines, but nothing has stuck –

For the mom who thought she’d have her life together by now –

You can keep up with life without being overwhelmed.

Find help inside Convivial Circle, my homemaking discipleship and support group for moms.

JUST $24.99/month

“Simply Convivial has made a big difference for me in figuring out how to implement routines that work for ME and my house and my energy level. Much appreciated!”

Sweet Notes

from inside Convivial Circle

Established in 2018, our membership community has over 600 women, 12 courses, accountability, Zoom calls, weekly live sessions, and a vault of replays on every homemaking topic.

600 +

Now I choose progress over perfectionism.

Becoming more organized with all aspects of life and iterating on my organizing has helped me fight perfectionism. My new habits help me pull life together and realistically frame my expectations each day. I’m so thankful for all you do to minister to homemakers!

Rachel Bozarth

Because of Convivial Circle, I am more realistic.

My brain feels less cluttered, and I no longer get overwhelmed. I’m quicker to rebound from bad days, and overall I have more emotional energy for life.

Amanda Sewell

I was really struggling with overcommitting.

I said “Yes” to too many things out of the house and online, and it was affecting my family and my marriage. The module on REST was huge for me. Now I look at my homemaking duties with a thankful heart instead of grumbling.

Ashley Weaver

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