Prioritizing tasks with a smart checklist

Prioritizing tasks with a smart checklist

When we as moms are overwhelmed, a procedure checklist by prioritizing tasks might be just the ticket to calm our stress and help us start doing what needs to be done. We need to stop hunting on the internet for how to organize your life and just start doing the right thing.

With too much to do, a procedure checklist by prioritizing tasks might be just the ticket to calm our stress and help us start doing what needs to be done.

This month inside the Simply Convivial Circle we’re talking all about procedure lists – when to keep them and how to keep them simple.

One key principle that applies is keeping them short & specific. But that’s harder than it sounds! So today I’m sharing an excerpt from a member-only mentoring session where we discussed what a priority is and how it affects our planning. I think you’ll find it helpful as you attempt to choose what matters most and what the right next thing is.

When it’s hard to get started because there’s too much to do, procedure checklists help us prioritize our tasks and give us the shortcut to momentum we need.

What is a priority? Can you even have more than one?

In this episode we discuss how to find your priorities and what it looks like to use them. Enjoy!

How can a procedure checklist help you move from an overwhelmed mom to a confident and capable mom growing in momentum? Download the Procedure Checklist Brain Dump guide to walk through my easy process for figuring out that answer for yourself. No one else has the answers that will fit your life.

But with a little help, you can figure it out.

Brain dump to create your own procedure checklists

Download the guide today.


Declutter your head. Organize your attitude.

You don't have to be overwhelmed. Use my free brain dump guide to declutter your head, then stay tuned for baby step tips on managing your home and family life well.

    Written by

    Mystie Winckler

    Mystie Winckler

    Mystie, homeschooling mom of 5, shares the life lessons she's learned and the grace she's received from Christ. She is author of Simplified Organization: Learn to Love What Must Be Done