Homemaking is too real and nitty-gritty for the likes of Martha Stewart. Making a home is not about putting on a perfect party or decorating the mantel just so.

Making a home is about creating a place for life to happen – and that’s both messy and joyous. We can embrace both aspects of homemaking. In fact, we must.

If you feel like you need some homemaking help, know that you are not alone. This selection of resources is only the tip of the iceberg that you will find here at Simply Convivial.

Homemaking is a big job.

  • It involves caring for a home.
  • It involves caring about the people in the home.
  • It involves feeding and clothing the people in the home.
  • It involves managing the details of life for the family.

I want to help you dig in and do your job well -not out of pride or ambition, but in order to glorify God in the way you steward your resources and responsibilities.

Before we can do a job, we have to know what that job entails, so knowing what homemaking is and how to get better at homemaking is vital.

Let’s dig in.

Homemaking: faithfully manage the housework.

Chores might be what most of us think of when we think of homemaking, though as a responsibility it is so much more. Still, often, the housework is what we have to get under control when we seek out homemaking help. So here are some basic strategies to overcome this hurdle:

Feature article: Why should I clean my house?

Does is seem unreasonable that homemaking feels so hard when it seems so simple? Don’t miss this article: Why is homemaking so hard?

Featured article: Lost Tools of Homemaking

Why is homemaking hard?

Faithfully manage the meals.

Better meals, better homemaking:

Faithfully manage your attitude.

Our attitude is our most important homemaking tool, and it’s one we don’t organize often enough.

These articles will help you understand the importance of organizing your attitude as well as how to organize your attitude so that you can grow in joy no matter what comes in life.

Homemakers are persons, too:

Keep truth in front of your eyes. Download this high-impact printable.

Need more homemaking help?

Find your path forward – there are no one-size-fits-all solutions, only growth in personal faithfulness.

Join hundreds of likeminded women, invested in improving their attitudes as well as their homemaking skills, inside Simply Convivial Continuing Education.

  • Get gospel-focused advice and encouragement.
  • Level up your plans and progress, one step at a time.
  • Find accountability with likeminded women without any social media drama.
  • Experience the homemaking mentoring you’ve always wanted.
  • Learn to love being a homemaker!
The direction & accountability homemakers need to make noticeable progress in their home management skills.

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