Repetitio Mater Memoriae, or Repetition part of the Education Is for Life series This motto is a bonus principle! When I started the Education is for Life series, I said I had five principles, trying to condense Christopher Perrin’s eight. But it turns out I couldn’t leave this
I recently received a question (and I’ve several similar ones before), asking what we all want to know. It seems like a question that should have an answer, if only we could read the right thing or ask the right person. My question I guess is how does homemaking
Fortiter fideliter forsan feliciter, or Repentance part of the Education Is for Life series This series is rather ill-timed and ill-spaced. Honestly, these posts have actually required research of me, and a lot of thinking. So they have taken longer to write and hence are spread out over months rather
In the recent survey, one reader commented that she’d enjoy seeing more book recommendations for elementary boys. I know first-hand how difficult it is to keep voracious younger readers in books! So much that is targeted to them is simply junk, and so much of the good stuff really