Before thinking about personality and learning styles, you have to know what MBTI personality typing is. If you need to know the best personality test around, check out my resource page for all things personality. Those of us educating young children tend to use the vocabulary of learning styles, though
If you missed it, check out my review of Kathy’s wonderful language arts materials and Book of Centuries. This is a guest post by Kathy Weitz. The Schole Sisters have done a fabulous job of telling y’all what a commonplace book is and why you should do it.
Understanding differences in personality type can drastically reduce conflict and friction in relationships, and this is as true with our children as it is with anyone else. However, typing children is tricky. Personality preferences develop over time, as people exercise more and more decision-making and observation-making abilities. Children are developing,
So, I will admit it. I am a personality nerd. I think that understanding MBTI typing makes us better parents, too. Typing people into 4-12 kinds has been going on since Aristotle, and Kiersey (the one who named and described each of Myers-Briggs’ 16 types) makes a compelling argument that