Can moms have hobbies?! - an interview with Lexy Sauvé

Can moms have hobbies?! - an interview with Lexy Sauvé

Or, being a creative homemaker

It’s so easy to feel worn down and exhausted by life, mothering, and all the things – especially when you have six kids like Lexy Sauvé. 

Lexy has learned a surprising thing, though – it’s not cutting back that helps her enjoy her life; it’s adding hobbies and creativity to her already-full life that adds joy and satisfaction.

How is that possible? That’s what we chat about in this interview.

Lexy is happily married to her high school sweetheart. They have six children together and live in Northern Utah. Lexy co-hosts Bright Hearth with her husband.

Find Lexy around the web –

One thing I love about Lexy, who has been a long-distance friend now for a handful of years, is how much creative energy she puts into both her family and her home. Instead of being overwhelmed by trying to keep everyone and everything under control, she focuses on creativity and curiosity in her full life.


Adding creativity to homemaking

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More about this interview with Lexy Sauvé:

As her young family grew, Lexy was at first focused on efficiency and survival – so it’s not surprising she didn’t find more than that bare minimum. 

When she decided to add more interest, exploration, and creativity to her homemaking, she experimented with sourdough, quilting, sewing, crocheting, cheesemaking, canning, and even carding wool. 

None of these were tasks she was obligated to maintain, but rather interests and skills she explored for delight. By adding delight to her home-focus, she grew and fed delight and satisfaction in all the related work of the home as well.

Lexy learned to be a generous, not miserly, homemaker.

An efficiency mindset is miserly, whereas a creative approach is generous. Our goal isn’t to trick as much out of each bit of effort as possible to minimize that effort while maximizing results. Our job is to grow in abundance, to overflow with joy and generosity. 

Embracing creativity in homemaking has the power to transform our lives. Lexi’s story is a powerful reminder that adding creative pursuits, even in the midst of busy family life, can bring joy, purpose, and fulfillment. 

Whether it’s experimenting in the kitchen, trying crafts, or nurturing living ideas, each small creative act adds up to a more vibrant and joyful life. Let us follow Lexi’s example and dare to embrace creativity in our own homemaking journeys.


Women loving creativity – and one another – in community

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More about this interview with Lexy Sauvé:

Are we afraid of one another as Christian women? Do we see one another as competitors or as co-laborers? We can delight not only in a variety of creative endeavors within the home, but also in the multiplicity of gifts God has granted within His body, the church.

Lexy shares how her church has developed community and skill-sharing among the women, implementing Titus 2 in a real-life, down-to-earth, organic manner. It’s not a program. It’s being intentional about doing life together and learning from one another. 

When social media shapes our pictures of homemaking, we have to ground ourselves in the vital real life of local community. 

Dabbling in various homemaking skills – with no pressure to continue them for the rest of our lives or achieve total mastery – allows us to discover delight and satisfaction as we experience maturity and personal growth. 

We have to be willing to step out of our comfort zones, push through any awkwardness, seek mentorship, and find inspiration within our local church community. Together, we can nurture a culture of thriving and creativity in homemaking, leaving a lasting impact in our homes and families. 

Be patient. Love. Pray. Persevere.

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Written by

Mystie Winckler

Mystie Winckler

Mystie, homeschooling mom of 5, shares the life lessons she's learned and the grace she's received from Christ. She is author of Simplified Organization: Learn to Love What Must Be Done