
How to become a better homemaker

How to become a better homemaker

Homemakers are important, whatever today’s culture might say to the contrary. People need homes, and homes must be made – they don’t exist by themselves. Being a homemaker is a valuable vocation to families and to society at large that cannot be underestimated, so it is worthwhile to work

A Cleaning Plan for Every Personality Type

Have you ever tried keeping someone else’s home routines and failed? There are lots of reasons that can happen, from a difference in situations (what works for a family of four will not work for a family of eight) to a difference in standards and priorities (some people care

Homeschool accountability: Monday Meetings

Homeschool accountability: Monday Meetings

Monday meetings have been a staple in our homeschool routine for a couple years now. We started when my oldest began seventh grade. At that point, I wanted him to have more independence in his work – not in choosing what, but in choosing when. Sometimes Monday meetings has been when


Declutter your head. Organize your attitude.

You don't have to be overwhelmed. Use my free brain dump guide to declutter your head, then stay tuned for baby step tips on managing your home and family life well.