Merchant of Venice might be a politically incorrect play, but it is too good for us to ignore. While it makes moderns uncomfortable because the Jew is made to forcibly convert in the end, it is – particularly for its time – an anti-anti-Semitic play. The plot, the speeches, and the themes
Ordo amoris is a concept that touches every homeschool day, whether or not we realize it. Imagine the typical scene: The math page looms. “But I don’t want to,” the child moans. The book awaits. “But I don’t like it,” the child whines. Maybe you start off homeschooling
I heaved a heavy sigh. A quick glance around the living room showed that children had been here. Books stacked haphazardly on the shelves and side table, papers peeping from under the couch, toys strewn – life had here been lived. A move into the kitchen didn’t help. Dishes. Crumbs.
Of course this title is a play on the saying (often applied in similar discussions) that all truth is God’s truth. Therefore, we say, as Christians we can study truth no matter where we find it. In the same way, Basil the Great of Cappadocia (bishop, scholar, and teacher