Do real life with a friend and become more reliable

Homemakers have to make and execute a million duties on their own initiative. Friendships that provide accountability add joy and cooperation to a sometimes lonely life.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024
NOON Pacific (3pm Eastern)

Replay links will also be sent to everyone who registers.

Details for the upcoming LIVE
Homemakers’ CEO Hour

Homemakers are like entrepreneurs, managing a unique endeavor.
As such, we need support and time for strategic planning.

  • Banish overwhelm and perfectionism so you’re not scattered and exhausted.
  • Learn the skill of being accountable to a peer and to yourself rather than a boss or teacher.
  • Grow in reliability and responsibility by building “coworker” friendships with other women
  • Learn to love your housework rather than just put up with it or get it out of the way

I have ADHD and struggled mightily for too many years until I came across Mystie’s materials.

Just the other day, when I encountered a tidy area, I thought, “I like the way I keep my house.” WOW! That was a surprise! I have a long way to go, but I no longer feel hopeless. Hope goes a long way toward success. It boosts morale and keeps me going.

Cathie Marshall

I want to see as many effective, cheerful homemakers in the world as possible.

When you take a small amount of time and make a strategic mini-plan, you can move into each day with the calm that comes of being prepared.

I’ve been helping homemakers organize their attitudes and reclaim order in their homes for over a decade now. 

In this workshop, I’ll guide you through how accountability works and why building a “coworker” friendship is so helpful. See you there!

Everyone who registers will also get a replay link after the event.

Homemakers’ CEO Hour are free for a limited time only.

You can register for free – and get the replay link – before the event is live. You can show up live on YouTube for free. But after the event is over, so is free registration. A few weeks afterwards, we’ll package all the material up with some bonus Q&A material and sell it in the Simply Convivial shop.

We’d love to have you join the live audience for free while you can!