We need to do is to be paying attention to what is actually refreshing. When I’m done with the activity do I feel better or is it just coming back to the crazy again? Mystie: Alright, I’m so excited to kick off this season of the Simplified Organization
This started off as an introduction to my talk at the Learning Well retreat, but grew too unwieldily. It got the ax in my presentation, but now finds a home here. Learn more about the upcoming retreat at the end of the post! So. When my oldest child was 5
Pull out the glasses, set the table, time to get ready for company. Ever noticed that funny feeling where you turn on a different persona, a different ability to handle life, at least momentarily, when you open the door or answer the phone? It shows us our actual ability to
My husband has worked from home for over 5 years now. The novelty has worn off and we’ve established our patterns. We’ve been married for over 17 years and get along quite well. We are, for the most part, on the same wavelength, and understand each other’s