Is social media actually social? We think of social media as a connector, but is it delivering on that promise? Or is it simply redefining what we mean when we say and think social and connection? When we pause to think and examine the realities rather than simply go along
When I was a young wife and mother, I read all the organization books, the productivity books, the godly family living books. I learned a lot, and a lot of it was good. But it took me about 10 years of trying to put it into practice that I finally
What does it take to be a successful mom? What does it mean to be a successful mom? Who defines success? How do we know if we’ve arrived or if we count as “successful”? Especially as stay-at-home moms it can be so hard to know how we’re doing
Declutter your attitude first. True peace comes from managing your mindset with gratitude, repentance, and reliance on the Spirit—not just organizing stuff.