With all the magazines and tv shows showcasing pristine, elegant homes with clean lines and bright colors, we have an unrealistic vision for our job as homemakers. The home we are making is not the stuff of hgtv. Our homemaking is not supposed to be about creating monuments to our
Routines simplify homemaking, but they’re not magic. Learn how 15-minute morning, evening, and EHAP routines can bring peace and order to your home.
I doubt there’s a mom out there who hasn’t wished for more time in a day or another day in the week. Time is certainly our limiting factor, followed closely by energy. We want to make the most of the time we have – and that’s a good
When we underestimate how much we can – or even should – do in a day or week or year, we can excuse ourselves with the label of humility. I just can’t keep my home in order. I just can’t manage my temper. Excuses are not humble. Many of us