
Pilgrim's Progress in Our Homeschool

Pilgrim's Progress in Our Homeschool

By email a few days ago, reader Pilgrim asked me a question: Have you or could you review what you use for Pilgrim’s Progress and why? This is a great question! It’s also one that is good for me to think through well enough to answer, because the

Don't Quit: Real Homeschool Days Are Life

Don't Quit: Real Homeschool Days Are Life

Real life is gathering everyone for circle time to find the toddler is stinky and needs to be changed. Real life is gathering everyone for circle time a second time to be interrupted by a scream and uncontrollable sobs from the preschooler because she almost dropped her binder and a

How to sing with your kids when you can't sing

How to sing with your kids when you can't sing

I enjoy singing, and have been told I have a nice voice, but I cannot keep a consistent pitch or key when singing without accompaniment. I can’t play the piano and I can’t read music. I am quick to learn tunes and memorize songs, but even so, I

Homeschool Review: TATRAS Phonics Program

My mom taught 6 of her children to read with Teach America to Read and Spell, and I have so far taught 2 with it. It is a simple and straight-forward “vertical” phonics method where you memorize all the sounds of each letter and letter combination (phonogram, like th) at


Declutter your head. Organize your attitude.

You don't have to be overwhelmed. Use my free brain dump guide to declutter your head, then stay tuned for baby step tips on managing your home and family life well.