Today’s moral relativity and all the cultural chaos resulting from it is a direct result of denying that Jesus is Truth. To deny Christ exists, they deny truth exists.
No matter how much human authority or power any man has, he cannot suppress the truth from being revealed: Christ has come, God in the flesh, died to pay the price of our sin and rebellion, and rose again to the right hand of God where He now reigns.
There is no peace without Christ. Any power – in the nation, church, family, or person – that is not obedient to Christ will be destructive.
Of the increase of Christ’s kingdom there will be no end.
Christ’s people need His Word daily and they need His Word preached corporately weekly. We need personal devotion, and we also need corporate community built on the foundation of Word and sacrament.
If you are looking for peace, for rest, for a break from chaos of any kind – familial, personal, or political – it starts on the foundation of the gospel or it is sinking sand.
Resources for Weekly Worship
- What is a worship service, really?
- Why weekly worship is not optional
- Find a local reformed congregation
- Another source for finding reformed churches
Resources for Clear Doctrine
- The Nicene Creed
- The Heidelberg Catechism
- The Canons of Dordt (from whence the Calvinist TULIP acronym derives)
- The Belgic Confession
- The Westminster Confession
- Essential Truths of the Christian Faith by R.C. Sproul
- Knowing God by J.I. Packer
Resources for Personal Devotion
- The Bible Reading Challenge (my family and I have been using this for 3+ years now)
- On personal prayer
- Do you really need a quiet time?
- Book: A Method of Prayer by Matthew Henry
- “Grace on the Fly” – the fruit of the Spirit for mothers of young children