Focus starts in your head, not in your closets.

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“I feel like my house and life spin out of control way too often.”


Sound familiar?

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“I spend more of my energy on regrouping and catching up than on making any noticeable progress.”


You don’t need more tips about how to organize a bathroom or make a menu plan.

You need to know this isn’t all a stupid waste of time.

You need to climb out of the thinking-ruts that keep you discouraged and unmotivated.

I know. I’ve been there, more than once. Sometimes I still totter on the edge of that cliff.

How we keep our house does matter. How we speak to our kids does matter. How we use our time does matter.

But we’ve been coming at it all wrong. We don’t need another cleaning schedule or a quick tip for tidy drawers.

Real organization begins with your attitude, not a label-maker.

Here are some of my favorite blog posts on this topic:














Other people’s plans will not work for you. We each need to find the right fit – I can help you with that process.