If anybody needs to get things done,

it’s a mother managing her home.

Yet our minds are so full of all the details of life that we often grind to a halt, unsure how to move forward. Simply Convivial Membership will help you streamline routines, alleviate stress, and increase productivity – by starting with your own mind.

Get the junk out of your head.

  • Reduce stress by getting your thoughts onto paper.
  • Reduce frustration by assigning homes to stuff, tangible & intangible.
  • Reduce fatigue by knowing what to do with incoming items.

Simply Convivial Membership will walk you step-by-step through writing down and processing what’s on your mind, what’s holding you up and slowing you down.

Get help that’s written just for you.

Most productivity advice is aimed at businessmen – people who can close their doors and determine their own projects and priorities.

Moms are different. Our job is to respond with love and grace to the little people surrounding us. We don’t plan on diaper blowouts, toddler messes, and emotional meltdowns. But that is our business and we take care of it.

Yet the principles of productivity apply even to us, though it looks different. We can feel more accomplished even when our days are derailed if our mindset is clear and our habits strong.

David Allen’s Getting Things Done is a productivity classic, but does it have anything to say to stay-at-home moms?

You bet.

The tactics he outlines are brilliantly applicable not only to 9-5 office work, but even to our work at home, even to homeschooling.

Getting Things Done teaches three essential disciplines:

  • You must capture all that needs to be done in your world — now, later, someday, yesterday, big, little, really ALL — outside of your head. Outside of your head means off your mind if you trust where you have put the data.
  • Make front-end decisions about each project’s desired outcome so you know when it is finished. Everything could always be done better; decide before you begin what will constitute “done.” Of course, write it down.
  • Regularly review and update your lists so that you can trust them as the reminders they are supposed to be.

Simply Convivial Membership will teach you the tools to improve your life at home, managing many people and responsibilities.

  • Get gospel-focused advice and encouragement.
  • Level up your plans and progress, one step at a time.
  • Find accountability with likeminded women without any social media drama.
  • Experience the homemaking mentoring you’ve always wanted.
  • Learn to love being a homemaker!
The direction & accountability homemakers need to make noticeable progress in their home management skills.

just $27.99/month
(or save with a quarterly or annual plan)