Build small habits that will grow into increasing fruitfulness and responsibility in your life.
LIVE community and support included! Ask questions, get feedback, dig in!



Home habits start with mom.

Our habits as moms set the tone and standard for everything else that happens. Focus on lasting change for yourself and your family by starting with habits that take only seconds.

Humble Habits walks you though a proven process for building personal habits of renewal so that you can give your family the love, attentive care they need. Over a thousand women have done this course and improved the way they handle life.

Spend 6 weeks building personal habits that will replace perfectionism and overwhelm.

  • determine and practice your own daily start-up routine
  • learn several strategies for taking quick reset breaks throughout the day
  • begin a daily end-of-work-day routine before you crash into bed
  • manage your phone use so it is a tool and not a distraction
  • discover the refreshment that comes after focused work
  • commit to habits of personal spiritual growth

Get the gospel-focused home & life help you’ve been looking for with Humble Habits.

  • SELF-CARE WITHOUT SELF-INDULGENCE – Ground yourself in prayer and movement with minutes a day.
  • MAKEOVER YOUR ATTITUDE – Two small tweaks can overhaul how you approach your life.
  • CHOOSE FOLLOWTHROUGH OVER LETHARGY – See how small steps are more effective than life overhauls.
HI, I’m Mystie winckler –

I’ve been a homemaker for over 20 years ago. When I was first married, I thought I’d spend a year or so, figure everything out, and then be a homemaking rockstar. Not what happened. My naturally messy tendencies and habits sunk me into a deep pit that I didn’t even want to climb out of. My transformation had to start with valuing the work before I attempted to do the work. I discovered that whatever the work God gave me to do, I could enjoy doing.

Of course, doing the work is necessary also. I hate wasting time. I hate busy work. Every plan I found on the internet or in magazines was full of things I didn’t really need to do in my busy, homeschool house. So I figured out how to make my own plan – and work it.

I don’t want to give you my list. That won’t work. I want to teach you how to set up your own smart, simple system just right for your particular situation. I also want to help you to enjoy your role & work as a homemaker.

Grow momentum and motivation with 5 seed habits!

I was a hot mess homemaker, but I have grown so much since I enrolled in Convivial Circle. I can see it, my family can see it, and it feels good.

“Changing just one small thing each week has been a win for me.


What’s included

Self-help doesn’t work. Start every day with a 60-second heart-change prayer.

Our bodies enable us to live a full, energetic, attentive life. Answer lethargy with a quick movement blast.

Most reading plans are too ambitious. Find quick ways to insert good, interesting thoughts into your head.

We’re always telling ourselves a story about our life in our heads. Tell yourself a true story without grumbling.

Find the joy of repetition in your homemaking. Communicate love by making a smile your default.

Real progress isn’t a completed program; it’s a continual practice.

We have hundreds of experienced homemakers who are happy to spitball, troubleshoot, and talk shop with honesty, transparency, and good humor. Every week Mystie shares an attitude-aligning pep talk LIVE. Weekly stand-up groups help give you the accountability and motivation you need to see progress. We want you to thrive as a homemaker, and we are here for you as you work through the course at your own pace.


Makeover your home life by starting with yourself.