How to lesson plan so you’re never behind

Write simple homeschool lesson plans that are easy to follow and never out-of-date. Beat discouragement by never being “behind” on your lesson plans! Some homeschool moms – maybe those with school-teacher backgrounds – have elaborate homeschool lesson plans – full sheets of papers full of ideas, notes, references, activities, and objectives. Many homeschool moms have…

How can I have a plan when life is always changing?

It’s possible. Let’s continue growing into our good work and not give up! Sometimes we’re frustrated because we’re trying to make our new life situation fit an old plan. Just because a certain routine and system worked at one point, doesn’t necessarily mean it will now. Family life requires adapting, because people’s needs change constantly!…

Why should we make plans, anyway?

At our last live Q&A chat for Simplified Organization eCourse, the recurring topic seemed to be plans and how they usually don’t work out as planned. When that happens – which is often – is the problem with our planning or with our families or with ourselves? What’s wrong? Why can’t I do this thing?…

A Providential C-Section

A Providential C-Section

Geneva Kate was born November 2, 2012, by unexpected c-section, 24 hours after being admitted to the hospital for an induction at my request (her due date was October 28). Heidelberg Catechism | Lord’s Day 10 Q. What do you understand by the providence of God? A. Providence is the almighty and ever present power…