On busy schedules and discipling our kids – with Hannah Spuler
When life gets busy, when kids and their activities multiply, it can be easy to assume something is terribly wrong and we need to cut back until we feel like we can handle it all….
When life gets busy, when kids and their activities multiply, it can be easy to assume something is terribly wrong and we need to cut back until we feel like we can handle it all….
Lifelong learning is not just for our kids. The connections and big ideas in our kids’ lessons can become our own.
When live wires connect, electricity flows. When roots connect to moist soil, nutrients are sent up so the plant can grow. When magnets connect, they can hold up an astonishing amount of weight. What happens…
I always go into summer thinking that I’ll use the time to clean and organize the whole house, make a perfect plan for the next school year – which will solve all our logistics issues…
Virtue is excellence, but not perfection. Virtue is the aim of all education, and is possible by God’s common grace for everyone.
Instagram is not good for our homeschools. It’s not good for our homemaking, either, or our mental and emotional health as women. Instagram works as a comparison machine. An image from someone else’s life pops…
Sometimes when you homeschool tweens – the turbulent early puberty years – you need to know you’re not the only one wondering what happened to your sweet child. Trust me, you’re not the only one….
At the time, I had a baby and a preschooler and someone who ought to be taught to read. But there were also 9-year-old and 7-year-old boys. I’d tell them to go get dressed, planning…
Once a child hits 11 or so, the average homeschool mom starts to wonder where all his common sense, self-control, and good habits went. Just when she thought she was getting somewhere and things were…
This year I am homeschooling only my youngest 3. My oldest graduated high school with his two-year degree from the community college last year and my second son is currently taking full time dual enrollment…