How to lesson plan so you’re never behind

How to lesson plan so you’re never behind

Write simple homeschool lesson plans that are easy to follow and never out-of-date. Beat discouragement by never being “behind” on your lesson plans! Some homeschool moms – maybe those with school-teacher backgrounds – have elaborate homeschool lesson plans – full sheets of papers full of ideas, notes, references, activities, and objectives. Many homeschool moms have…

A Tour of My Google Calendar

I will give you a tour of my Google Calendar to show you tips and tricks for using it well and keeping track of everything going on in your life, from menu planning to appointments to record-keeping! This video is a small part of the Work the Plan course, a streamlined course that walks you…

How to Organize Homeschool Lists

I make lists. I make a crazy number of lists. Making a list is my go-to strategy whenever I start to feel a little overwhelmed (or a lot), scattered, or just plain crazy. David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done gave me a name and an excuse for this process: Brain Dump. It’s a great practice,…

Housework: Hiring Help

Housework: Hiring Help

In this series, we are seeking the elusive goal of finding satisfaction in housework. I’ve written already about motivation, attitude, and purpose, and now we start moving toward the practical, the point where we have to actually do it. Drat. So, let’s talk about other people doing it, shall we? Hiring Help There are times…

Interval Training Strategy: Making an interval plan work for you

Interval Training Strategy: Making an interval plan work for you

Use the theory behind interval training to maximize your planning effectiveness. Just as runners train and gain strength and endurance by running in short, intense bursts and then going at a slower pace for awhile, so we can follow the same pattern in our day-to-day lives. Breaking up your year into intervals, with rest periods…