Why Call It Classical Education?
Every once in awhile I chat with someone who wants to quibble about using the term classical education. For one reason or another, they think the label classical should be abandoned. On the one hand,…
Every once in awhile I chat with someone who wants to quibble about using the term classical education. For one reason or another, they think the label classical should be abandoned. On the one hand,…
Over the years I’ve had conversations with several people who just can’t seem to get beyond the term “classical” in education. “What hath Athens to do with Jerusalem?!” they exclaim – generally with more words…
Ok. When I asked what education book I should read next, the overwhelming response was The Liberal Arts Tradition, and you all did not steer me wrong. Between Consider This, The Liberal Arts Tradition, and…
What does scholé even mean? Blame Josef Pieper and Christopher Perrin. Pieper’s seminal work, Leisure, the Basis of Culture opens with this: [pullquote align=”center”]The Greek word for leisure (scholé) is the origin of Latin scola,…