Trello is a different sort of task management app. It is sort of like having multiple bulletin boards in a row with tasks on sticky notes that you move around between boards.
You can name the boards whatever you want, add items to a board, and then drag those tasks around to whichever board you want. This makes it the perfect app to track your Christmas gift planning on.
First, I set up boards with the different stages of gift-giving, everything from coming up with the idea to having the present wrapped and in the right box to get to the right place (because we celebrate 3 Christmases between all our extended families).
Second, in the first “idea” board, I add a list item for every person that I need to find a gift for. Everything goes here, from multiple items for the children (book, toy, other, stocking stuff) to homemade caramels for friends and teachers. At first, the item simply holds the name of the person for whom I have to find a gift. As I decide what to get that person, I add the idea to the note.
Then, when I’ve purchased the item, I can drag that note to the “Purchased” list.
Next, when the item arrives (because I usually order everything online), I drag it to the “Received” list. This helps me track whether or not I received various items, which can become tricky when you’re placing multiple online orders from various sites.
Once gifts start arriving, I typically spend 10-15 minutes wrapping a few gifts at a time in the evenings. Then I can come back to my Christmas list and move the items from “Received” to “Wrapped.”
Finally, as I accumulate a stack of wrapped gifts, I begin putting them in boxes or bags to put under our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve, to take to my in-law’s, to send to cousins, or to take to my parent’s house on Christmas day.
Although I don’t use it for general task management, I love how Trello helps me see at a glance what stage I’m at in my Christmas preparations. It’s the perfect app for gift planning and tracking.
Here is a 5-minute video tour I made to show you how Trello works and how perfectly planning and tracking Christmas presents works within the app:
Neat! Any ideas of other lists you could use this for? Nozbe is my general Task Management app, but this looks very visual and simple for certain things.
My husband uses it for tracking projects and things he wants to do on breaks or in the summer. He just uses a basic “To Consider” “To Do” “Doing” & “Done” set up.
Thanks as always, Mystie! Your tips are so real-world and immediately useful! I’ve loved using Trello for Christmas giving, with a set-up much like yours. Has made me feel much more intentional and on top of it. No more “lost” gifts turning up somewhere in February :). Also been exploring Trello as Interval Planning tool. Board for each interval, then lists for vocation statements (just copied to each board), projects, tasks, habits, and each week. I so appreciate everything you do in your courses and all the bonus materials! You are informative and inspirational! With gratitude, Cyndi
Oh, that’s a great way to use it! Thanks for sharing!
This would be a great tracking source for quilters. We always have several projects in various stages of production; piecing, quilting either by ourselves or sent out to a longarmer, binding and then who will be the recipient. Although I am a “paper” organizer, this would replace four or five sheets in my quilting notebook.
What a great idea! Trello would be perfect for that!
*Thank You* I’m in desperate need of an “Organizing Tool” because I too have been buying on line. I’m sure that your Well aware of _Plenty of Items_ Are Not ( unfortunately) as we have Perceived Them To Be & Need To Be Sent Back, That’s the Difficult Part For Me. Now by using “This Perfect Board” I will be able to keep Track & I will be able to Keep Track/Send back & reorder… Again on behalf of Anyone & Everyone that Receives a Gift from Myself & Husband * We Thankyou For Help* in This Organization Of Crazy Hectic Buying,Ordering, Purchasing, Wrapping & Giving Especially During This Busy Time Of The Year ⭐️❤️⭐️