How to organize your life

Getting organized isn’t everything. Staying organized is even harder. You want to know not only how to organize your life, but also how to keep it that way. Organization starts not with the closets, but with your attitude. Organization does not look like Pinterest images or Martha Stewart spreads. It simply means you are prepared…

Interval Planning: PREP Week

Interval Planning: PREP Week

I’ve written for years now about interval planning, and it’s a concept I continue to practice and teach. At its heart, interval planning chooses goals and plans projects and works within manageable increments (6-12 weeks, usually) instead of short bursts (a week or month) or long stretches (quarters or years). Then, between intervals, time (a…

5 ENFP Organization Tips

5 ENFP Organization Tips

By Betsy Farquhar: ENFP, homeschooling mother of three middle school students, and managing editor of Redeemed Reader. How to Turn ENFP Possibility into Productivity There are lovely pictures on Instagram of cheerful, color-coded planner pages, meticulously filled out; clever, completed habit trackers; and beautiful #BuJo spreads. Those people are not ENFPs. ENFPs are busy instead…

Commonplacing for Moms: 10 Tips to Get Started

Commonplacing for Moms: 10 Tips to Get Started

A commonplace is a notebook for keeping favorite quotes, inspiring ideas, or thoughtful notes. It’s a highly individual practice that has been used by “keepers” of all walks of life for nearly as long as the means to conveniently and cheaply read and write have been available. It’s making a resurgence in the classical education…

Organization for moms: what it really looks like

Organization for moms: what it really looks like

Organization for moms is not about getting everything under their own control, but about being prepared for the real life influenced and affected by many other people and many other agendas.  Unfortunately, Pinterest and Martha Stewart give us a false picture of what organization is really all about.  So, when you want to get organized…